Sunday, December 29, 2019

Compare and Constrast Wide Sargasso Sea and the Awakening

Compare and contrast how ‘Patriarchy’ shows oppression in ‘The Awakening’ and ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’. ‘Patriarchy’ is a social organisation in which the father or eldest male is head of a household or tribe, having supreme authority over his women and children. It is a system of government, where men hold the power, and women are largely excluded from it. A patriarchal civilisation promotes the dominance of men in social or cultural societies. Jean Rhys (August 24th – 1890 May 14th 1979) was a Dominican modernist writer; Rhys is widely recognised for her postcolonial novel ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’, which is considered to be a post-modern feminist text. Another writer that wrote about the governance of patriarchy over matriarchy, in her†¦show more content†¦Pontellier refuses to listen to her husband who demands her ‘I cant permit you to stay out there all night. You must come in the house instantly.’ Edna refuses quote ‘Leonce, go to bed,’ warning him against speaking to her like that as he will be left unanswered. Command is rejected by both protagonists as they question their husband’s authority through their actions and words. In addition, imagery and religion is a significant theme in ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ and ‘The Awakening’ as it holds visual enigmas that the reader has to decode. ‘I hated the mountains and the hills, the rivers and the rain. I hated the sunsets of whatever colour, I hated its beauty and its magic and the secret I would never know.’ Rochester’s critique of the natural landscape originates from his inability to read or identify with it. While his servants and his wife find an abundance of meaning in their surroundings, Rochester feels overwhelmed by it. His need to be dominant is associated with the scenery that he detests because his lack of understanding it. He longs for the orderly landscape of his homeland which portrays clear designations of authority. The imagery in ‘The Awakening’ final passages underlines the ambiguity of its ending. We read that ‘a bird with a broken wing was beating the air above, reeling, flutterin g, circling disabled down, down to the water.’ This description matches Mademoiselle Reisz’s earlier warning: ‘The bird that would soar above the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Summary and Analysis of The Clerks Tale Essay - 1607 Words

Summary and Analysis of The Clerks Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Prologue to the Clerks Tale: The Host remarks that the Clerk of Oxford sits quietly, and tells him to be more cheerful. The Host asks the Clerk to tell a merry tale of adventure and not a moralistic sermon. The Clerk agrees to tell a story that he learned from a clerk at Padua, Francis Petrarch. He then praises the renowned Petrarch for his sweet rhetoric and poetry. The Clerk does warn that Petrarch, before his tale, wrote a poem in a high style exalting the Italian landscape. Analysis In the Prologue to the Clerks Tale, Chaucer indulges yet again in a mild critique of his contemporaries. Here he analyzes Petrarchs stories and finds fault with his†¦show more content†¦While hunting the marquis found Griselde and immediately decided that this exemplary woman was the one he should marry. On the day of the wedding Walter had not revealed to the public the woman he would marry, and the populace assumed that he would not marry at all. But he came to Griseldes home and asked Janicula for his permission to marry his daughter. The marquis servants took Griselde and dressed her in preparation for the wedding; she appeared as if she had been born as nobility, not from her actual humble origin. Her virtue and excellence became renowned throughout Saluzzo, for she was essentially a perfect wife. Soon she gave birth to a baby girl, although she would have preferred a son who could be his fathers heir. Soon after his daughter was born, the marquis decided to test his wife. He told her that although she was dear to him, to the rest of the nobility she was not. They objected to the new daughter, and wished that she be taken away from Griselde and put to death. The marquis instead sent the child away with one of his sergeants to be raised Walters sister, the Countess of Panago, in Bologna. Walter did pity his wife, who remained steadfast and dedicated to him, silently accepting her fate and that of her child whom she believed dead. Walter and Griselde soon had another child, this time a boy, and Walter repeatedShow MoreRelatedEssay Summary and Analysis of The Physicians Tale441 Words   |  2 PagesSummary and Analysis of The Physicians Tale (The Canterbury Tales) The Physicians Tale: As Titus Livius tells us, there was once a knight called Virginius who had many friends, much wealth, and a loving wife and daughter. The daughter possessed a beauty so great that even Pygmalion could not create her equal. She was also humble in speech and avoided events in which her virtue could be compromised. There was a judge, Appius who governed the town who saw the knights daughter, and lusted afterRead MoreFigurative Language and the Canterbury Tales13472 Words   |  54 Pagesones. Often this term is used interchangeably with both the literary technique and the larger story itself that contains the smaller ones, which are called framed narratives or embedded narratives. The most famous example is Chaucers Canterbury Tales, in which the overarching frame narrative is the story of a band of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Thomas a Becket in Canterbury. The band passes the time in a storytelling contest. The framed narratives are the individual stories told by theRead MoreA ccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pageshelpful to the users of annual reports. 1-6 Accounting Information Systems Other than the financial statements and accompanying footnotes, an annual report provides information concerning  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  · Managements discussion and analysis of results. Organizational objectives, strategies, and managements outlook for the future. Board of Directors members and the officers and top management of the organization. Segment data and performance information. New initiatives and research

Friday, December 13, 2019

Interpretation of the short story “Yellow” Free Essays

Interpretation of Yellow The short story â€Å"Yellow by Peter Carry Is about being Insecure and how lack of self- esteem can lead a person to suicide. It Is also about changing as a person by gathering enough courage to do It. The story revolves around the mall character Jon, a second-string writer on a London listings magazine, who has been forced on a learn-to-scuba-dive trip in Egypt. We will write a custom essay sample on Interpretation of the short story â€Å"Yellow† or any similar topic only for you Order Now Jon is an insecure, overweight man with no willpower, pushing forty and dealing with a midlife crisis. There are also two minor characters in the story, Beret the scuba diving instructor and Brian the other student n Beret’s group. The story is told over a few days and mainly takes place in the ocean, the diving school and his hotel, though the hotel is used for nothing more than drinking liquor. The story is told by an omniscient third person narrator that gives us a better impression of Son’s way of thinking so we can tell why he in the end chooses to drown himself. Jon is lonely on the trip, the editor didn’t pay for his girlfriend to come with him and he Is envious of the other student Brian. â€Å"But he envied Brian his calm, the methodical way he assembled and clambered Into the ear. † (p. 1, l. 9-20) Brian Is a calm, methodical person who Is In control of his own life, unlike Jon. They do not have anything In common besides knowledge of alcoholic beverages, and all conservations just lead nowhere. Son’s relationship with his girlfriend does not go well either, â€Å"The silences between them had multiplied, then lengthened into an empty continuum. † (p. 2, l. 54-55). T he primary reasons for Son’s mid-life crisis are his not-so-well relationship and his suppressed frustration over always being called â€Å"Yellow, a term meaning coward. He thought of his fear and became angry. Well, this would show them he wasn’t yellow. (p. 2, l. 128-129). He is sick and tired of his life and tries to drink his misery away but even the alcohol is not on his side, â€Å"He poured more gin, but no matter how much he swallowed it was never enough. † (p. 1, l. 57). In the end, he could only numb his pain by drinking water. Jon actually clings to life at one point, refusing to die. â€Å"Beret grabbed him and thrust in a mouthpiece just before Jon broke the surface, gasping for life, clawing in air. † (p. 3, l. 99-100). This shows that he is not completely ready to let go of his life, even though having contemplated suicide a number of times. He finally transform in the end, he gathers up courage to prove that he is not a coward and let go of his old self. He starts drinking of the ocean water and look back up at himself from below. â€Å"Well, this would show them he wasn’t yellow. Then he was calm again and looked back up at himself from below. † (p. 2, l. 128-129). He finally experiences the calm which symbolizes the transformation to his new self. He has left the old ‘Jon’ behind and has come the new, free and Ideal ‘Jon’. Longboats Hughes’ â€Å"Suicide’s Note†, where the calm face of the river asks for a kiss, fits Jon perfectly, as he accepts the river’s kiss of death. Heir nothingness part of an immeasurable emptiness, as if they has shows how he thinks of the depths as an opportunity to leave his life behind. In William Wordsmith’s poem, â€Å"Lines composed a Few miles Above Tinder Abbey’, where he feels freed by natures living ai r, blue sky and round ocean Just like how the ocean is Son’s beautiful escape way, which releases him from his depressed thoughts ND frees him of his misery. Man vs.. Nature William Wordsmith is a poet who lived during the Romantic era and was heralded as a genius and was the source of inspiration to many. In his poem, â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tinder Abbey’, he is saddened by man’s inferiority when compared to natures many wonders such as the beauty of a sunset, a raging waterfall and the living air. William Wordsmith felt that nature was an everlasting source of inspiration that knew no boundaries and is astounded by Mother Nature hat fills people up with calming and positive thoughts whereas the human mind chains people with stressful and negative thoughts aiming to hurt and dominate the mind of the individual. Jon and William Wordsmith share the same love for nature because it is their source of inspiration. Jon has grown tired of the Job, his life and the cruel and the indifferent society he lived in. Jon was inspired by the oceans deep dark abyss and felt like this was the place he could get away from it all, the place where he could be at peace. How to cite Interpretation of the short story â€Å"Yellow†, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Philosophical Transactions Of Royal Society â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Quesrion: Discuss About The Philosophical Transactions Of Royal Society? Answer: Introducation Most organisms do not end up as fossils. This is because of several natural and biological processes and factors surrounding the claim. Wave actions, scavengers, and decomposition leads to few fossilization. However, accounting to statistics given, most animals whose habitation are on the floor of the sea form most of the fossils available. In those on the sea floor, a still fewer number are for those with soft body parts comparing with those with hard parts such as shells or skeleton. This is because animals with hard parts like shells such as trilobite are likely to be fossilized compared to soft parts or tissues of animals. Shells and other hard parts of animals have toughened parts hence cannot be destroyed by decay or by scavengers easily. Although not easily destroyed, natural processes such as wave action and other biological organisms such as fungi and algae may destroy the hard parts of organisms in this scenario a shell. Having said that the soft tissues decay leaving the hardened parts to be fossilized in appropriate conditions, the shape of the soft parts is determined by looking at the shape of the hard part that enclosed the soft part. Also scientists compare the fossilized animal with the species of the present animal to determine the shape of the soft parts that decayed and was not fossilized. Describe the steps that take place for the animal with a shell to become fossilized. Fossilization is dependent first in the death of the animal. For those with shells, the soft tissues of the animal decay and are washed away by water moving through the shell. The remaining part (shell) is then buried quickly by sediments where the probability of fossilization of an animal increases if its habitation is in the sediment that is on the sea floor. Burial with a rapid inward flow of sediment is required to preserve fragile animals such as starfish and crinoids. This explains why most crinoids, for instance, are found only as stem pieces The regular process after burial involve chemical replacement and compaction. Replacement occurs when water dissolves the hard parts replacing them with mineral material. This is a chemical action which may take place slowly reproducing the little features of the prototype animal shells are usually well preserved through this process. The common mineral for replacement is calcite, silica, pyrite, and hematite. After the initial hard parts are substituted, usually they lose traces of their original structure but leaving the original shape. Also, replacement involves mineral precipitation where minerals dissolve with the buried part of the organism. After an extended period, the rock may have the appearance of the shell or all traces of the shell are lost but an external mold is preserved. What major group of animals would you expect to be fossilized in amber? Explain your choice Some small animals such as insects such as the alien insect that existed 100 million years ago and juvenile birds example being the baby bird in the time of dinosaurs that is 99 million years ago have been found to be commonly fossilized in amber. According to Thomas (2016), most amber fossilized baby bird are juvenile. Thus insinuating that they were young hence unable to free themselves from the sticky fluid from the trees. With larger animal categorically missing in amber fossilization means that they were able with ease to free themselves from the sticky liquid. Other documented animals which have undergone amber fossilization are the lizard of the Caribbean which existed 20 million years ago, Mid-Cretaceous Wathondara kotejai insect, aunts living 99 million years old and the stinging scorpion. From the examples provided small animals were easily fossilized by amber which is a plant resin usually aromatic. The aromatic resin can drop from trees or ooze down the trees. Consequentl y filling internal grooves or long furrow trapping leaves, seeds, feathers, insects and other small animals. What are two inferences (conclusions) that you can make from this skeletal structure about the animal from Jurassic period? The animal has large bones all through the body; this suggests that the animal weighs heavily because of inside central part of air-filled sac going through this colossal bones. The mammoth bones additionally empower the animal to become greater consequently it is a large animal. Another detectable component is the webbed appendages. This is proof that the creature flourished in water, a reality that is further improved by its streamlined body. The long tail more likely than not been utilized to give vitality to moving the creature in the water. The tail bones give an extensive surface range to muscle connection. Aside from using its tail for development it can likewise be utilized as a weapon in case of assault or to blur off competition, for example scrambling for mates. The game plan and sort homodont teeth are an unmistakable sign that the creature's method of nourishing is predation. It is additionally plausible that the creature bolstered on other oceanic creatures like the Pisces. This is further supported by its big eyes that provide a binoculars vision to spot prey at far distances and either side. It also shows flexibility in its movement, when considering its backbone, adapting it to a predatory mode of feeding. Other lines of evidences apart from fossils useful in building our understanding of evolutionary history. Researchers and evolutionists have had scientific facts that prove evolution history and the existence of organisms. Several areas that have been widely looked upon include the geographical distribution, comparative anatomy, cell biology, fossil records, and embryology. In this section, we will discuss two namely geographic distribution and comparative anatomy. Evolutionists claim that 15 billion years ago the earth was one vast mass called Pangaea. Due to internal action in the core of the land's surface, the vast mass started disintegrating and moving to the present continents. Due to this disintegration, animals which were similar in characteristics and behavior formed different components due to new weather conditions and climatic changes. Though there are traces of similarities in this animals, some differences also can be observed. Examples of this animals in different continents with similar traits are jaguar in the Amazon forest (South America), leopards in the African forests and tigers in Asia. From the example, all these animals belong in the same genus. Another commonly given an example is different species of camels. In Africa, camels which are less hairy with one hump have their habitation while in South America hairy, and two-humped camels exist. The second evolution evidence is comparative anatomy. Most mammals have similar limb form known as pentaductile limb meaning five form limb. Some mammals such as human beings have their limbs adapted to walking (hind limb) and grasping (forelimb). Similarly, others are suited to flying like bats, swimming in whales and running in horses just to mention a few. This observation proves or insinuates that this organism with same limb form have a similar origin with but due to their environment and habitation they have adapted to different functions hence the structures are commonly known us homologous structures. On this line also there are structures called analogous. This is structures with different origin but has been adapted to perform similar functions. The example includes bird's hind limbs and monkey's limb. These two animals have a different background that is diverse families but their structures precisely the limbs have been adapted to perform similar functions which are grasp ing. Conclusion In all ages, people have always been curious about the existence of life on earth. Though people never fail to give an explanation of their imagination of life existence, substantial and convincing explanation lacks in most peoples theories. Others such as Lamarck in the 19th century came up with the theory of use and disuse to explain life existence, but the knowledge of genetics made the explanation void. Though most have lacked a clearer scientific explanation, the excavation, discoveries, and dating of ancient fossils has given light to the most extinct organism, and its study has provided light to how life could have been millions of or years that have passed. Apart from fossil records, other evidence has been pivotal in giving more light concerning this heavily researched topics. Proof of geographical distribution, embryology, comparative anatomy and cell biology are also providing vital information in understanding the concept of evolutionary history and existence of life on e arth. With the already held information and the continued undying research on evolution and origin of life, conclusive information will be gathered to answer the questions that have been held for ages without sufficient scientific explanation and putting to rest the vague explanations or theories that are below the experimental threshold. Reference Poinar, G. and Brown, A.E., 2017. An exotic insect Aethiocarenus burmanicus gen. management. nov.(Aethiocarenodea ord. nov., Aethiocarenidae fam. nov.) from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber.Cretaceous Research,72, pp.100-104. Taylor, M.A., 1993. Stomach stones for feeding or buoyancy? The occurrence and function of gastroliths in marine tetrapods.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences,341(1296), pp.163-175. Thomas, B., 2016. Stunning Amber Bird Wings.Creation Science Update. Posted on ICR. org psychology,11. Viney, M. and Neff, K., 2017. Patagonia's Jurassic-Aged Conifer Cones: Keys to a Botanic and Geologic Past.Rocks Minerals,92(2), pp.172-179.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Who Does She Think She Is

The documentary, â€Å"Who Does She Think She Is?† depicts the lives of three mother-artists. Female artists often lack the time and do not engage in making art for long periods. This phenomenon has a tendency to exist, as they are scared of losing their partners by not meeting the perceptions of an ideal wife due to the high commitment to the artistic talent. They do work, as they do not want to do to stay aï ¬â€šoat ï ¬ nancially.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Who Does She Think She Is? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I believe, the only reason for the men’s success in art is their ability to devote time to their hobbies and career development. In turn, women let them progress in their work by providing men with favorable conditions, as, otherwise, men will need to set a priority between art and regular routines. This ï ¬ lm has made me look back at my life from the vision of an artist and mother. Along with the experience, I gained through my painting and drawing education at XXXXX University in Korea, I have maintained a high interest and engagement in the ï ¬ ne arts. As a student, I won three prestigious national art competitions. After my graduation, I worked as a professional artist, curator and art teacher. Art helped me in the healing process of life. It is a secret between the canvas and me, and no one else will never know about its existence. I spent time only with people, who were supportive of my art career. They were able to make me more productive as an artist and a better person. Furthermore, I got married and came to the United States to support my husband’s studies at Cornell University in 1999. Three years later, I became a mother. I had two jobs at chemical companies, which were providing me with real life experience, in order to settle down ï ¬ nancially, raise my son, and support my husband here. This aspect made me realize that I need to surround myself with people with a similar vision as mine. My life credo became ‘I love being a mother since it gives me conï ¬ dence and strength. Being a mother requires more responsibility and care than a full-time job, it’s more than a career.’ Consequently, I had to switch to working part-time to pursue my art career and combine my mother’s ‘responsibilities’. To be honest, I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for the past several years. These diseases slowed my progress and made me rethink my whole situation as an artist. It has given me time to realize what I really want to do in my life, what I want to achieve, and what I want to give back. In turn, I think, it is critical that my family knows that I value something, which makes me more than just a mother and a wife.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The fundamental goal is not only for them to realize that I am a human being, but also to prove that the only way to reach one’s dreams is to follow them. Nonetheless, it consists out of hard work and commitment while slowly walking towards the goal. Sending my thirteen-years-old son to the boarding high school next year and my husband’s strong support allow me to consider M.F.A. degree from XXXXX University’s creative painting program. It is my next step toward achieving my ultimate goal – becoming a professor in the art school. I believe that studying and teaching will offer an environment, which will give me the time, space, and resources to paint, inspire, and create. In a graduate program in painting, I look forward to reinvigorating my passions for painting and further developing of the areas, in which I have had experience previously. In addition to building these strengths, I am eager to cross borders and discover other facets of painting that I did not have a c hance to explore in my professional life. As a graduate student, I intend to build upon these principals and interests and explore myself further as an artist and individual. This essay on Who Does She Think She Is? was written and submitted by user Lina L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Complete List The Smallest Colleges in the United States

Complete List The Smallest Colleges in the United States SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might be interested in going to a small college, but just how small? In general, schools labeled small have fewer than 5,000 students in total. However, quite a few schools are actually at least 10 times smaller than this. In this article I’ll describe the characteristics of small colleges and then provide a list of the smallest colleges in the nation by category. Why Are These Schools So Small? It might seem unorthodox for the enrollment of an entire college to be the same size as your high school class (or even smaller!). Though definitely uncommon, these schools usually have a solid rationale for keeping their student bodies so tiny.There are several reasons these colleges are particularly small: Extremely Specialized Curriculum Often, small colleges have a very specialized curriculum that caters to a narrow demographic of students.Many of the smallest colleges are religious schools of a particular denomination, art schools, or professional schools. The smallest liberal arts colleges usually have a curriculum that emphasizes certain modes of learning and exploration of subjects.For example, some of these schools have a â€Å"Great Books† curriculum,meaning that all students must read a collection of classic texts as part of the college’s universal academic requirements. Began as Parts of Larger Universities Some of these schools were once part of larger universities and then branched off to form their own communities.This goes along with their tendency to be more specialized and attract a much smaller group of prospective students. Dedicated to Personalizing Each Student's Academic Experience These schools are committed to keeping class sizes small and giving each student individualized attention.Often, students can design their own curricula and access a level of guidance and support from professors and advisors that's unheard of at larger schools.Students frequently collaborate with professors and are asked to give self-evaluations. Tiny schools treat the college experience as an evolving dialogue between students, their teachers, and their communities.This enables them to focus less on grades alone and more on learning as an ongoing interactive process. What Is the Tiny College Experience Like? So you can get a sense of what the smallest schools are actually like, I’ve compiled a few student testimonials that provide perspective on the pros and cons of attending these colleges. Thomas Aquinas College "They create an academic bubble of seclusion, quite literally." "The rules are a bit extreme, and never think that someone is not watching. At a school this small, everything gets out in the open." "I admit that this school does wonders with the mind. Thomas Aquinas delves into critical thinking and reading beyond the text." Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula California (Harold Litwiler/Flickr) Marlboro College "Marlboro is the best place for independent students who want to take a serious role in the pursuit of their education." "Marlboro does not have class requirements, [so]each student creates a course of study based on their interests and aspirations." "Marlboro College classes expect serious work ethic. Class sizes are small, so sleeping in and missing your 8 AM is not an option if you think your professor won't notice." Marlboro College Neumont University "There is always something to do and it is a very tight, close community who all are willing to help each other when/if someone asks." "There is no leeway for those who just want to coast on by and get a degree for something. This is an active learning environment." "There is no meal plan. You are expected to buy your own groceries and prepare your own meals." As you can see from all of these school quotes, the smallest colleges are often limited in their housing and dining options and campus activities. However, they might be the right fit for students who are interested in a specific academic field or mode of learning.One benefit you can count on is a close bond with professors and other students. List of the Smallest Colleges in the US These are the smallest four-year, non-profit colleges in the nation sorted by type and enrollment number. This list includes schools withfewer than 500 students but more than 50 students because colleges with fewer than 50 students are extremely rare and not relevant to enough students to merit inclusion. All enrollment data is from the College Board's Big Future website. Smallest Arts Colleges College Enrollment Oregon College of Art Craft 109 VanderCook College of Music 122 Visible Music College 127 Art Academy of Cincinnati 175 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 188 San Francisco Conservatory of Music 205 Watkins College of Art, Design Film 205 Cleveland Institute of Music 227 Pennsylvania College of Art and Design 260 American Academy of Art 260 Johns Hopkins University Peabody Conservatory of Music 265 San Francisco Art Institute 299 New Hampshire Institute of Art 308 School of the Museum of Fine Arts 349 Moore College of Art and Design 373 McNally Smith College of Music 409 Pacific Northwest College of Art 419 Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico 433 New England Conservatory of Music 436 Escuela de Artes Plasticas de Puerto Rico 441 Columbia College Hollywood 453 Manhattan School of Music 488 Smallest Religious Colleges For this list, I've focused on colleges that primarily identify as seminaries or Bible colleges. Also, I've excluded religious colleges that only train religious professionals because they are too specialized for most people. College Enrollment Mount Angel Seminary 51 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary- Overbrook 57 Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary 58 Southern California Seminary 62 American Jewish University 67 Kentucky Mountain Bible College 76 Hellenic College/Holy Cross 78 New Hope Christian College 87 Crossroads College 96 Clear Creek Baptist Bible College 98 Montana Bible College 100 Huntsville Bible College 8 Southwestern Christian College 123 Boise Bible College 130 Faith International University 144 Nebraska Christian College 145 Jewish Theological Seminary 162 Arlington Baptist University 162 Holy Apostles College and Seminary 164 Baptist University of the Americas 177 Johnson University- Florida 180 Kuyper College 184 Trinity College 189 Trinity Bible College 191 Mid-Atlantic Christian University 192 Criswel College 198 Dallas Christian College 213 Calvary University 223 Virginia Baptist College 227 Barclay College 229 Ecclesia College 232 Central Christian College of the Bible 239 Bethesda University of California 256 John Paul the Great Catholic University 260 Emmaus Bible College 269 Theological University of the Caribbean 271 Appalachian Bible College 274 Marygrove College 285 Beulah Heights University 288 Luther Rice College and Seminary 295 Faith Baptist Theological Seminary 300 Davis College 302 Northpoint Bible College 323 Grace Bible College 336 Piedmont International University 339 Welch College 348 Trinity Baptist College 353 Multnomah University 394 The King’s University 400 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 406 Baptist College of Florida 427 College of Biblical Studies- Houston 428 Lincoln Christian University 464 Columbia International University 486 Williams Baptist University 493 Smallest Engineering, Medical, and Other Professional Colleges College Enrollment California Institute of Integral Studies 50 Northwestern Polytechnic University 52 Webb Institute 98 Rush University 109 Columbia College of Nursing 6 Lincoln University 120 St. John’s College 122 United States Sports Academy 124 Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science 169 Bastyr University 197 Saint Anthony College of Nursing 199 Trinity College 213 Amberton University 217 Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing Health Sciences 272 Maharishi University of Management 324 Allen College 329 University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences 341 Boston Architectural College 343 Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering 380 Bellin College 397 St. Francis Medical Center College of Nursing 406 Cabarrus College of Health Sciences 419 Touro University Worldwide 484 Saint Luke’s College of Health Sciences 490 Smallest Liberal Arts Colleges All the colleges on this list offer a variety of degrees and a complete liberal arts education (but note that some of these schools are religiously affiliated). College Enrollment Thomas More College of Liberal Arts 90 Logan University 98 Antioch University 103 Antioch College 133 University of the West 185 New Saint Andrews College 141 Medaille College- Rochester 145 Sterling College 146 Marlboro College 183 Goddard College 189 College of St. Joseph in Vermont 237 Cottey College 270 Patrick Henry College 277 Alaska Pacific University 296 Randall University 304 Selma University 3 Aquinas College 312 Sweet Briar College 319 St. John’s College 322 Bryn Athyn College 326 Beacon College 348 College of the Atlantic 349 Southern Vermont College 361 Marylhurst University 364 Judson College 366 Thomas Aquinas College 370 Silver Lake College of the Holy Family 388 Bard College at Simon’s Rock 390 Prescott College 391 Warner Pacific University 400 Soka University of America 412 Pine Manor College 419 Naropa University 419 Pine College 426 York College 431 Sierra Nevada College 435 Principia College 455 Penn State- Wilkes-Barre 456 St. John’s College 458 Green Mountain College 468 Golden Gate University 470 Wells College 470 University of Minnesota- Rochester 472 Voorhees College 475 Penn State- Shenango 490 Bennett College for Women 493 Christendom College 493 Penn State- Greater Allegheny 497 What's Next? If you're just starting your college search, you might not be sure whether a big or small college is the best choice for you. Learn about the major differences between the two. Another factor to consider in the college search process is location. Do you want to stay close to home or start over somewhere new? Read this article to find out if a college close to home is the right choice for you. For more advice on how to conduct your college search, read my guide on how to choose the best college for you and my review ofthe top 10 college search websites. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Homeric Hymns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Homeric Hymns - Essay Example It is understood that children born out of wedlock tend to have difficulty in committing to a married life. Dionysos name means he was born twice and this signifies that children born without parents tend to end up not getting married. The other narratives of Hymns to Apollo show that Women especially mothers have control over their sons. It is a known fact that sons and their mothers do have a maternal connection that is strong and cannot be easily separated (Rayor 28). The connection between Apollo and life in the current society is that men have a weakness towards pleasing women. The other lesson we learn from the Greek mythology through the Homeric Hymns is that of sibling rivalry. Apollo and Hermes were brothers who competed against each other and their problems were solved by the gods. Their rivalry connects to the current society whereby people close to us and whom we trust often end up betraying us. For instance, politicians are famous for praises but they end up betraying a lot of people (Athanassakis 64). We also learn that gods are often happy when praises are extended towards them on different occasions. The most important lesson and connection is learnt through the Hymns to Demeter. These hymns bring out the connection of life and death whereby when a person dies his soul continues in immortality. The disappearance and emergence of Persephone from time to time shows the dynamism in today’s life in the society. Moreover, it shows the connection between life and death in that when people die their soul continues to live in immortality. Topic 2 Spiritual transformation is a practice that was mostly undertaken by different individuals at different times. Due to this people had to practice some spiritual practices to change the world. The main practice of spiritual transformation is the act of changing the way people work during different times. Spiritual transformation as explained by Carl Jung looks into the spiritual changes that a person unde rgoes as a result of an external event occurring that affects an individual religious beliefs. The major transformation that occurred to Demeter was when her child was kidnapped by Hades. This event led to Demeter changing her behaviour leading to the death of many people. When Demeter daughter was captured and raped by Aidoneus, she became very furious (Rayor 90). Although, she did not hear the screams of her daughter but only the echo of her during her capture, this caused a lot of worries to her. Since Demeter was the god of agriculture her faith and trust in the other gods waned. As a result, she decided to punish the people by sending a winter that caused a lot of destruction towards humankind. Demeter felt betrayed by Zeus since the god did not reveal that he was aware of her daughter’s abduction. Zeus had the knowledge of Persephone whereabouts but he did not reveal this to Demeter and hence she visited the earth and she refused to return to Olympus (Athanassakis 32). Demeter visited the earth to look for her daughter and this event transformed her behaviour. Demeter’s transformation was brought about by her daughter’s disappearance and re-appearance. Demeter descended upon the earth as a result of hearing about her daughter’s disappearance into the earth. Her transformation saw people worship her on earth so as to please her and spare her wrath from the people.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Porters five forces analysis - Beats by Dre Essay

Porters five forces analysis - Beats by Dre - Essay Example To analyze the market share taken by the headphones in the market, we will focus on the forces outlined in the model to discuss this. Firstly, we will focus on the supplier’s power in the global market. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of headphones in the global market. It manufactures high-end headphones, which most consumers consider them quality and classy. Further, company’s ability to manufacture them in different colours makes it even better. Most of the headphones are ‘U’ shaped. From a recent report published in business review, the company had acquired sixty-four percent of the entire market shares. Most users of the headphones view it as a fashion accessory mostly used by celebrities in the hip-hop music industry. The company has the capacity to manufacture and satisfy the global market. Secondly, the model helps its users to analyze the buying power of consumers who are its target consumers. The company appreciates that it has customers from different lifestyles hence it manufactures products as per their needs and requests. Therefore, the management has ensured that the prices of their products and software’s are all affordable to their customers in the global market. Further, the company follows the current rates of inflation in the world’s economy. To emphasize, most of the customers lies in the age bracket of 19-35 years who love to be trendy and follow the latest themes in the world of fashion. This gives the company an upper hand because their products are always on demands.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analyze an entertainment product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyze an entertainment product - Essay Example These questions, and many more, while be explored with respect to television and violence, and the controversial topic of media censorship. Seeking to explore the relationship between television, arguably the most prevalent entertainment product in homes around the United States, and violence, this essay will begin with a look at violence across countries. The relationship between violence and television will be discussed then we turn to a discussion of media censorship, particularly how it relates to violence on TV. This research paper will then conclude with a summary of the findings and an analysis of the research presented. Television is everywhere and has spread to all four corners of the globe. Much like television, violence is a universal phenomenon found all over the world. Violence on TV however is a relatively new concept and is not found across the world. Restrictions placed on violence in the media are culturally-specific and not universal. The result is that violence on television is common in some parts of the world while uncommon in others. In Canada and the United States, restrictions on television are usually not too strong and generally related to violent content or things that are considered to be obscene (generally sex). A good example of this in North America was Janet Jackson’s infamous â€Å"wardrobe malfunction†, in which her left breast was fully exposed during Super Bowl Sunday, the most-watched television event in the United States. Apparently more than 90 million viewers had a fleeting glimpse of the singer’s breast and â€Å"about 542,000 complaints were r eceived by broadcaster CBS† (British Broadcasting Corporation 2008) following the incident. Accordingly, broadcaster CBS was initially fined $550,000 for indecency and obscenity. In other places in the world, China and the countries of Asia in particular, restrictions are placed more strongly on violence, obscenity and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Do parents have an influence over child delinquency?

Do parents have an influence over child delinquency? To what extent do parents have an influence over their children becoming delinquent? There have been an increasing number of stories in the media regarding children and their increasing tendencies to crime. High profile crimes such as the Jamie Bulgar murder and shootings in universities across America have sparked a high level of controversy and research into what actually makes a child delinquent. There have been a number of factors which have been associated with child delinquency such as the individual child, peers, school, neighbourhood, the media and one which has received a huge amount of attention is parents and family. This essay will be looking at the extent to which parents have an influence over there children becoming delinquent. It will explain reasons and ways in which parents influence there children into delinquency through lack of for example discipline, and a variety of other factors. It will then go on to examine other factors such as the individual, peers and school, which may contribute to a child taking the path of crime and will evaluate how much influence this has on a child. The US dept of justice created the office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention (OJJDP) which formed a study group on very young offenders to examine the prevalence and frequency of offending in children under the age of 13. This study group identified a number of risk and protective factors which were crucial in developing early intervention and protection programs for very young offenders. It found that some aspects of children’s behaviour such as temperament are established during the first five years of life. This foundation coupled with children’s exposure to certain risk and protective factors, influences the likelihood of children becoming delinquent from an early age. Risk factors are things which are most likely to pull a child into a life of crime. There are three types of risk factors; static, dynamic and protective. Static risk factors are those which are historical and cannot be changed such as age at first offence and prior criminal history. Dynam ic risk factors are those which are changeable these are things such as substance and alcohol abuse. Lastly protective factors are those which mediate and moderate the effect of exposure to risk factors. This is usually done by reducing the risk of exposure to crime, reducing negative chain reactions which means to deal with a delinquency problem identified in children from an early age rather than letting it spiral out of control. Another protective factor which should be instilled in children is establishing self esteem and self efficacy this in addition to opening up opportunities to them will reduce the calling of crime as they will have other things to keep them occupied and realise there are a number of things which they can do t broaden there horizons. However the identification of these risk factors have been difficult to pinpoint but it remains imperative to distinguish as these factors are essential to developing interventions to prevent child delinquency from escalating into chronic criminality. There area number of studies which were done in both the UK and the US to ide ntify risk factors which are associated with a child turning to crime. The Cambridge Study of Delinquency was a longitudinal survey of the development of offending and antisocial behaviour in 411 males first studied at age 8 in 1961 – at that time they were all living in a working-class deprived inner-city area of South London. It found eight different factors which contributed to children turning delinquent these were; low income family, large family, poor parenting, below average intelligence, parent with criminal record, impulsivity, antisocial behaviour, socio-economic deprivation and coming from a ‘broken’ home. A youth lifestyles survey which was carried out in the UK also identified eight different risk factors which are associated to a child turning to a life of crime these are; drug use, alcohol abuse, low interest in school, being bullied, lack of qualifications, delinquent peers, poor parenting and a lack of appropriate space for children to be in. According to the OJJDP study group on very young offenders, a group of 39 e xperts on child delinquency and child psychopathology convened by the OJJDP, risk factors for child delinquency operate in several domains: the individual child, the child’s family, peer group, school, neighbourhood and the media. This again corresponds with the findings of the Cambridge study which found compared with the un-convicted men, being a persister was predicted by having a convicted parent, high daring, a delinquent sibling, a young mother, low popularity, large family size and a disrupted family. Compared with the un-convicted men, being a desister was predicted by having poor housing, a convicted parent, high daring, low junior school attainment, low nervousness and a disrupted family. The large majority of those who were first convicted at ages 10–13 (91%) or 14–16 (84%) did not give up offending after the first offence. They continued offending (according to convictions) for an average of 13 years. Those who started at 10–13 years had an average of nine convictions; those who started at 14–16 had an average of six. In contrast, the average for those who were first convicted at age 17 or older was much lower at around two convictions each. This shows us that the younger the offender starts the longer there career in crime. The results by the OJJDP also correspond with the results found in the Youth Lifestyles survey. Most professionals agree that there is no single risk which leads a child to delinquency rather the likelihood of early juvenile offending increases as the number of risk factors and risk factor domains increases. While parental delinquency is not the whole answer to juvenile delinquency, it is one of the major factors in this problem. The notion of protective risk factors is one which parents are largely associated with. Traditionally it is the role of the parents to protect and harbour there children from a life of crime and deviance. However this is not always the case. There is wide belief that single parents are highly likely to have delinquent children for a number of reasons such as economic conditions which are inherent to single-parent families may place children at greater risk. Socialization of children residing in single-parent families may differ from those residing with two parents and may have a damaging effect on the child as well as they type of neighbourhoods, in which single parents often reside. Lastly the ways in which the system or officials from formal institutions such as school, police, and courts respond to children from single-parent homes may result in these children being more likely to be identified as delinquent. There is consistently a positive relationship between marital discord an d delinquency. Children who witness marital discord are at greater risk of becoming delinquents. Social learning theory argues that aggressive behaviour is learned; as parents display aggressive behaviour, children learn to imitate it as an acceptable means of achieving goals. However, most children who witness marital conflict do not become delinquent. A healthy home environment, one in which parents and children share affection, cohesion, and involvement, reduces the risk of delinquency. Parental rejection appears to be one of the most significant predictors of delinquency. Not only does parental attachment to children influence the likelihood of delinquency, but apparently so does the attachment of the child to the parent. This dual relationship implies an interaction between characteristics of both the parent and the child. A healthy home environment is the single most important factor necessary to keep children from becoming delinquent. Current positivist approaches generally focus on the cultural and socio-economic environment to which a young person has been exposed, and how these conditions may be criminogenic. These theories de-empathize the fault of the individual, and stress criminal behaviour is largely determined by factors out with a young person’s control. Social ecology or social disorganisation theory says crime is generated by the breakdown of traditional values and norms. This was most likely to occur in urban areas with transient populations and high levels of migration, which would produce the breakdown of family relationships and community, competing values, and increasing impersonality. Children who are inadequately supervised by parents who fail to teach them right and wrong, who do not monitor their whereabouts, friends, or activities, and who discipline them erratically and harshly are more likely to become delinquent. Marital discord is a more powerful predictor of delinquency than divorce or single-parent family structure. Family relations, not just the separation, influence delinquency. Abuse directly affects the child, yet the link between abuse and delinquency is not as strong as the link between rejection and delinquency. Abused children tend to manifest more problematic and aggressive behaviour than children who are not abused, but some abused children withdraw, become self-destructive, or focus their reaction inward. Other children show few behavioural effects of abuse. Being abused increases the chances of delinquency, but most abused children do not become delinquent. Research on causes of delinquency makes a major contribution to the understanding of the interaction of the family and delinquency. A child’s predisposition toward impulsive, aggressive, and antisocial behaviour may initiate a process within the family that ultimately leads to delinquency. Parents of a difficult child may stop parenting to gain peace within the home and may come to reject the child. Antisocial patterns established within the family may be exacerbated and reinforced as the child enters school. As the child enters adolescence, delinquent acts may further weaken the youth’s attachment to family, school and conventional ties. Whilst it is true that society does have a role to play in the upbringing of children in the sense of providing a social environment in which to bring up a child but it is clearly the role of the parent to mentor, advise and guide a child through to their adulthood. No child has it easy, but it is true some are worse off than others and as a result of being disadvantaged in some way. But there is also another class of youngster, one without discipline and respect in their life, one without a strong guide in their life which ensures that the child stays on track and in the right direction in their life. These are the roles of parents and a society which attempts to divorce parents from this responsibility is only asking for more trouble. The role of a parent, is to watch, to guard, to mentor, to guide, to create a home environment suitable for a young person, but the role of a parent is to also educate a young person in their role in society. It is a clear deficiency of a parent, when a young person goes off the tracks. Therefore the question must be asked whether parents can, through effective socialisation, prevent delinquent behaviour among there offspring? In addition to affection, three elements appear to characterize positive parenting that is normative regulation, monitoring regulation, and discipline. The quality of supervision is consistently and strongly related to delinquency. Parents must adequately monitor their children’s behaviour, whereabouts and friends. They must reliably discipline there children for antisocial and prohibited behaviour, but must do so neither rigidly or severely. It helps if they assist their children in problem solving, negotiate conflict and model pro social behaviour. Less is known about the link between parental attention to normative and moral development and subsequent delinquency than many other topics of family life. However research appears to indicate that delinquency is more likely when normative development is incomplete, and when children are unable to distinguish between right and wrong, feel little or no obligation to standards of behaviour, and have little respect for the rights and welfare of others. Parents play a critical role in moral development. A variety of family circumstances have been identified as contributing to the delinquent behaviour of children. Children who are rejected by their parents, are inadequately supervised, and grow up in homes with considerable conflict are at greatest risk of becoming delinquents. The presence of any one of these family circumstance factors increases the chances of raising a delinquent child. The addition of more than one factor further enhances the odds of misbehaviour. There appears to be a cumulative effect such that the presence of more than one of these negative family attributes compounds the likelihood of delinquency. Not all children follow the same path to delinquency; different combinations of life experiences may produce delinquent behaviour. Finally positive parenting practices during the early years and later in adolescence appear to act as buffers, preventing delinquent behaviour and assisting adolescents in desisting from further delinquent behaviour. In addition to parents having an influence on children becoming delinquency there are a number of other factors to consider such as the effect of school on children. A negative effect from school can impact the progression of delinquency developing in children. Failure to bond to school during childhood can lead to delinquency. In addition, as stated above, early neurological deficiencies, when combined with the failure of family, school, and community to provide adequate socialization, lead to early-onset offending that persists throughout life. A specific school risk factor for delinquency is poor academic performance. A meta-analysis of more than 100 studies examined the relationship between poor academic performance and delinquency and found that poor academic performance is related to the prevalence, onset, frequency, and seriousness of delinquency (Maguin and Loeber, 1996). In young children ages 8 to 11, academic performance has been related to serious later delinquency (Loeber et al., 1998). Even when individual intelligence and attention problems are taken into account, academic performance remains a predictor of delinquency. Children with weak bonds (low commitment) to school, low educational aspirations, and poor motivation are also at risk for general offending and for child delinquency (e.g., Hawkins et al., 1998; Le Blanc, Cotà ©, and Loeber, 1991). It is likely that children who perform poorly on academic tasks will fail to develop strong bonds to school and will have lower expectations of success. As a result, academic achievement and school bonding are, in many ways, interdependent. For example, one study found that boys who engage in delinquency are less committed to school and are also more likely to have â€Å"shorter plans† for their schooling. These boys described themselves as bad students (Le Blanc et al., 1991). In addition to school fellow classmates and peers can also have a negative impact on a child. Peer influences on child delinquency usually appear developmentally later than do individual and family influences. Many children entering school, for example, already show aggressive and disruptive behaviours. Two major mechanisms associated with peer factors or influences are association with deviant peers and peer rejection. Association with deviant peers is related to increased co-offending and, in a minority of cases, the joining of gangs. Related to strain theory is subcultural theory. The inability of youths to achieve socially valued status and goals results in groups of young people forming deviant or delinquent subcultures, which have their own values and norms. (Eadie Morley: 2003 p.552) Within these groups criminal behaviour may actually be valued, and increase a youth’s status. (Walklate: 2003 p.22) The notion of delinquent subcultures is relevant for crimes that are not economically motivated. Male gang members could be argued to have their own values, such as respect for fighting ability and daring. However it is not clear how different this makes them from ‘ordinary’ non-lawbreaking young men. Furthermore there is no explanation of why people unable to achieve socially valued goals should necessarily choose criminal substitutes. Subcultural theories have been criticised for making too sharp a distinction between what is deviant and what is ‘normal’. (Brown: 1998 p.23) There are also doubts about whether young people consciously reject mainstream values. (Brown: 1998 p.23) Since a 1931 report showing that 80 percent of Chicago juvenile delinquents were arrested with co-offenders, empirical evidence has supported the theory that deviant peer associations contribute to juvenile offending (Shaw and McKay, 1931). The unresolved question is whether deviant peers model and reinforce antisocial behaviours or whether the association with deviant peers is simply another manifestation of a child’s predisposition to delinquency. In other words, do â€Å"birds of a feather flock together† or does â€Å"bad company corrupt†? The theory of Differential association also deals with young people in a group context, and looks at how peer pressure and the existence of gangs could lead them into crime. (Eadie Morley: 2003 p.552) It suggests young people are motivated to commit crimes by delinquent peers, and learn criminal skills from them. (Eadie Morley: 2003 p.552) The diminished influence of peers after men marry has also been cited as a factor in desisting from offending. (Graham Bowling: 1995 p.4) There is strong evidence that young people with criminal friends are more likely to commit crimes themselves. (Walklate: 2003 p. 2) However it may be the case that offenders prefer to associate with one another, rather than delinquent peers causing someone to start offending. (Graham Bowling: 1995 p.49) Furthermore there is the question of how the delinquent peer group became delinquent initially. The Study Group found that a strong case could be made that deviant peers influence Non-delinquent juveniles to become delinquent. For example, according to data from the National Youth Survey on a representative sample of U.S. juveniles ages 11 to 17, the most frequent pattern was a child moving from association with non-delinquent peers to association with slightly deviant peers, and then on to commission of minor offences. More frequent association with deviant peers and more serious offending followed, leading to the highest level of association with deviant peers (Elliott and Menard, 1996; Keenan et al., 1995). Deviant peers influence juveniles who already have some history of delinquent behaviour to increase the severity or frequency of their offending. A few studies of children younger than 14 support this hypothesis. For example, in a study of Iowa juveniles, involvement in the juvenile justice system was highest for those who engaged in disruptive behaviour and associated with deviant peers at a young age (Simons et al., 1994). The Study Group concluded that deviant peers contribute to serious offending by child delinquents during the period of their transition to adolescence. Although an extreme form of association with deviant peers, gangs provide a ready source of co-offenders. Not surprisingly, gang membership reflects the highest degree of deviant peer influence on offending. The Rochester Youth Development Study, the Denver Youth Survey, and the Seattle Social Development Project have all shown that gangs appear to exert a considerable influence on the delinquent behaviour of individual members. Juveniles are joining gangs at younger ages, and the role of gangs in crimes committed by youthful offenders appears to be an increasing problem (Howell, 1998). In the case of violence, even after accounting for other risk factors (such as association with delinquent peers who are not gang members, family poverty, lack of parental supervision, and negative life events), gang membership still has the strongest relationship with self-reported violence (Battin et al., 1998). Lastly a focus on the individual is required when looking into factors associated with delinquency. Not everything can be blamed on parents as there is a large element of the child themselves which make them more predisposed to following a path of delinquency. Classical criminology stresses causes of crime lie within the individual offender, rather than in their external environment. For classicists offenders are motivated by rational self-interest, and the importance of free will and personal responsibility is emphasised. Rational choice theory is the clearest example of this approach. It states that people weigh up the pros and cons of committing a crime, and offend when the former outweigh the latter. A central deficiency of rational choice theory is that while it may explain when and where people commit crime, it can’t explain very well why people choose to commit crimes in the first place. Neither can it explain differences between individuals and groups in their propensity to commit crimes. James Q. Wilson said the conscience and self-control of a potential young offender must be taken into account, and that these attributes are formed by parental and societal conditioning. Rational choice does not explain why crime should be committed disproportionately by young people, males, city dwellers, and the poor. (Walklate: 2003 p.2) It also ignores the effect a, young persons peers can have on them, and the fact that some youths may be less able to accurately foresee the consequences of their actions than others. Rational choice theory does not take into account the proven correlations between certain social circumstances and individuals’ personalities, and the propensity to commit crime. If we study the characteristics of those processed by control agencies, and if we accept that they are representative of all delinquents, we may conclude that the typical juvenile delinquent is different from his peers in a number of ways. That is to say that there are a number of traits which are significant predictors of delinquent activity. Some of these traits appear to be fundamental personality factors hyperactivity, tendency to alcoholism, psychosis, low measured intelligence, small stature and poor health and being male rather than female. There are also some significant characteristic modes of social interaction which make the individual more prone to delinquency such as bad temper, unpopular with peers, disruptive behaviour in school, parents found him a difficult child, likely to be violent and poor work and bad results at school. Lastly backgrounds are important in determining whether a child will follow a path of delinquency and a career in crime. These factors include environmental, living in a slum area, living in an area of high delinquency, social class, father unskilled labourer, poor surveillance, irregular discipline, lack of affection, family interaction characterised by antisocial behaviour, family breakdown and poverty. These young people are recognized as being difficult by parents, other children and teachers. The onset of these problems was very often early in the childs life, and the first steps into delinquency were often taken as early as 9 or 10 years old. A significant implication which, has been highlighted is that bad behaviour is a general trait. Robins and Ratcliff (1980) have shown that each separate type of childhood deviance (hyper-activity, conduct disorder, bed-wetting, etc) is independently correlated with the overall level of adult deviance. Each separate type of adult deviance is predicted by the overall level of childhood deviance. The overall level of childhood deviance is a better predictor of adult deviance than any one particular childhood behaviour. These relationships do not depend on the continuation of the same behaviour from childhood into adulthood. Variation in the kind of bad behaviour manifested is more a function of age than of character. Focus on risk factors that appear at a young age is the key to preventing child delinquency and its escalation into chronic criminality. By intervening early, young children will be less likely to succumb to the accumulating risks that arise later in childhood and adolescence and less likely to incur the negative social and personal consequences of several years of disruptive and delinquent behaviours. Child delinquency usually stems from a combination of factors that varies from child to child. No single risk factor is sufficient to explain it. To develop effective methods for preventing child delinquency and its escalation into serious and violent juvenile offending, intervention methods must account for the wide range of individual, family, peer, school, and community risk factors. Some effective intervention programs that focus on reducing persistent disruptive behaviour in young children have reduced later serious, violent, and chronic offending. Some interventions focus on parent behaviours that increase the risk of persistent disruptive behaviour in children. Peer relations training and school/classroom programs have also shown some promise. Still, many gaps exist in our knowledge about the development of child delinquency, the risk and protective factors that contribute to it, and effective prevention and intervention methods. Addressing these gaps offers an exceptional opportunity to reduce overall crime level. Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria | Essay Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria | Essay A challenge for modern medicine Antibiotic resistance is a serious matter which should be addressed seriously. Every time you take antibiotics you dont need you increase your chance of contracting an infection that is caused by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. And if you get an infection that cant be treated by antibiotics you run the risk of your infection getting considerably worse and you might need to be treated in hospital. There are many factors affecting as to how antibiotic resistance acquires but one thing is for sure, it must be stopped! At present antibiotic resistant poses as a massive challenge for modern medicine. There is a wide variety of conditions that antibiotic resistance stands in the way of successful treatment like tuberculosis (TB) and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). As we know TB is a disorder affecting the lungs and also the rest of the body. It is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis and it is reported that a third of the worlds population has been infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis. New infections occur at a astonishing rate of one per second. The proportion of people who become sick with tuberculosis each year is stable or falling worldwide but, because of population growth, the absolute number of new cases is still increasing. Prevention relies on screening programs and vaccination( Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern in multi-drug-resistant TB. In a scientific journal titled Tuberculosis resistant to isonazid and rifampin published in 1993 it was concluded that patients with tuberculosis that is resistant to isonazid and rifampin often didnt succomb to the best treatment available and that failure to obscure this reistance would end in high mortality rates and a gloomy reality for the public (Goble et al) . In the case of Staphylococcus aureus where, like tuberculosis, it has grown resistance to its most of its treatment. Staphylococcus aureus is very difficult to treat if contracted due to its high resistance rate to a group of antibiotics called beta-lactams. This group of antibiotics includes penicillin, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, clindamycin and vancomycin.There are different treatments for different variations of the disease but treatment isnt straight forward due to the high rate of antibiotic resistance. In a scientific report titled High prevalence of multidrug-resistant MRSA in a tertiary care hospital of northern India, where they were testing the resistance percentages of the known antibiotic treatments on a group of 783 patients, they found that nearly all the antibiotics that were tested, there was a high rate of resistance. For instance, from the 783 patients isolated who had staphylococcus aureus, 301 (38.44%) had shown to be methicillin-resistant, of which 217 (72.1%) were found to be multidrug-resistant. Practically all MRSA strains were showing resistance to penicillin, 95.68% showed resistance to cotrimoxazole, 92.36% showed resistance to chloramphenicol, 90.7% showed resistance to norfloxacin, 76.1% showed resistance to tetracycline, and 75.75% had shown resistance to ciprofloxacin. The antibiotic showing the least amount of resistance was vancomycin with 0.33%. (Hare Krishna Tiwari et al). How bacteria become resistant The actual way in which a bacteria strand becomes resistant is usually a mutation in a chromosomal gene of the pathogen. Whiles a organism is being treated by specific antibiotics, the antibiotics will have an effect on 99.99% bacteria but not the bacteria that have undergone mutation that prevents a certain antibiotic having an effect on these bacterial strands will reproduce and by the theory of natural selection predicts that under these circumstances, the fraction of the bacterial population carrying genes for antibiotic resistance will increase. For example, a mutation in one gene may stop or reduce the pathogens ability to transport a particular antibiotic into the cell. (Jane B. Reece). There are quite a few practices effecting as to how bacteria strands become resistant to antibiotics. One would be the unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics from doctors to patients, but there is a lot to be said about this whether it be the patient feeling they are too sick to be told that they do not require the use of antibiotics even though they could just have a viral infection which antibiotics would be of no use to them unless it were to relief their pain or that they just want their moneys worth in antibiotics. Another cause to do with the doctor patient relationship would be the fact that the doctor would be unsure of what to prescribe if need be or just how much to prescribe! There is also this looming fear for doctors that the patient might wish to make a lawsuit against them for not taking action on their symptoms or not prescribing the right medication to them first time round and therefore doctors can be prescribing antibiotics out of fear of lawsuit. Also, many practitioners who earn by means of selling medicines often prescribe more drugs than necessary for means of profit (Holloway 2000). Another major factor that promotes bacteria to become antibiotic resistant is that when people do get prescribed the right medicine or antibiotics is that they dont take the right amount each day. Some believe that it is better to take one antibiotic a day rather than two (Kardas P, March 2007) and others feel that it is ok to stop taking them when their symptoms have gone or that they will save them for the next time those symptoms occur. Its funny to actually hear that a third of people still believe that antibiotics are effective on the common cold (McNulty CA et al, August 2007). In hospitals, poor hygiene can be associated with the contraction of noscomial infections and increase the risk of substaining a resistant microorganism, one of these well known noscomial infections is MRSA. Medical staff in hospitals world wide have been urged to wash their hands inbetween viewing patients and not to wear jewlery like wedding rings, bracelets or chains of the sort as these can transmit the infection from person to person (Girou E, Legrand P, Soing-Altrach S, et al October 2006). Much has been done in hospitals to stop the spread of noscomial infections but the treat still lingers with a massive one in seven chance of picking up a noscomial infection. Another factor as to how we can contract resistant bacteria is by the food we eat. Farmers feed their livestock antibiotics for numerous reasons but the fact is if and when their livestock build resistance to the antibiotics, they are then killed and processed into meats and other sources of food and they become our food. They may tell you your daily requirements for calories, vitamins, calcium, iron etc. but they do not tell you that your food could be the source of your illness or the reason why certain antibiotics will not have an effect on you!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Islam :: essays research papers

--The Prophet Muhammad (p) was asked by his contemporaries about Allah. The answer came directly from God Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Qur’an that is considered the essence of the Unity of God or the motto of monotheism. â€Å"Say: He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten, and there is none like unto Him.† [Al-Qur’an 112:1-4] --Having achieved this knowledge of the One True God, man should constantly have faith in Him, and should allow nothing to induce him to deny the truth. When true faith enters a person’s heart, it impacts the person’s outlook and behavior. The Prophet said, â€Å"Faith is that which resides firmly in the heart and which is proved by deeds†. One of the striking results of faith is the feeling of gratitude towards God, which could be said to be the essence of Ibada (worship). The feeling of gratitude is so important that anyone denying the Truth is called kafir, ‘one who is ungrateful.’ A believer loves, and is grateful to God for the bounties He bestowed upon him. He is aware of the fact that his good deeds are far from being commensurate with Divine favors, and therefore he is always anxious to please God. He remembers God often. The Qur’an promotes this feeling of gratitude by repeating the attributes of God very frequently. â€Å"Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god; Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god; the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.† [Al-Qur’an 59:22-24] â€Å"Allah! There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

John Stuart Mill Essay

I) Utilitarianism: + Whenever we have a choice between alternative actions or social policies, we must choose the one that has the best overall consequences for everyone concerned. + According to utilitarianism, the moral worth of an action is determined only by its resulting outcome. 3 + Utilitarianism is the one that maximizes utility, which is understood in terms of happiness or pleasure, in the moral actions. + For Utilitarianism, the morally best (better) alternative is that which produces the greatest (or greater) net utility, where utility is defined in terms of happiness or pleasure. (Ethics, Mackinnon) 4 + Two main philosophers of Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) 5 II) Introduction to the main idea of Utilitarianism: A) The Principle of Utility (J. Bentham) â€Å"By the Principle of Utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness to the party whose interest is in question† (The Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.Bentham) + The principle is for the promotion of greater happiness. 6 â€Å"We ought to do that which produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. † (Ethics, Mackinnon) + It is the guidance or principle of ethics: We should promote the greatest happiness in choices or actions. 7 Example: Killing is morally wrong because it does not promote happiness. But killing would be morally right if it promotes happiness, like the case of Japanese story and the case of disabled person. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=8BjJ3yms8VM 8. II) Introduction to the main idea of Utilitarianism: B) The Greatest Happiness Principle (J. S. Mill) â€Å"†¦The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill) â€Å"By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by happiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill). 9 + â€Å"According to the Greatest Happiness Principle†¦ the ultimate end, with reference to and for the sake of which all other things are desirable (whether we are considering our own good or that of other people), is an existence exempt as far as possible from pain, and as rich as possible in enjoyments. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill) + The Greatest Happiness Principle: Promote pleasure/ utility 10 III) Two kinds of pleasure (J. S. Mill): 1) Physical pleasure: satisfaction of physical need 2) Intellectual pleasure: satisfaction of intellectual / spiritual need Example: Aesthetic pleasure, like painting 11. The Painting of Vincent Van Gogh 12 The Painting of Claude Monet 13 + The beauty of music: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=Xg4ekh8 MwfM&list=PLF9B40412F22FA26B http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=n4ba8A W_Zck 14 IV) Calculation of Utility / Happiness + Pleasure minus Pain = Net happiness 1) Act A produces 10 units of happiness and 2 units of unhappiness: net happiness = 8 units of happiness 2) Act B produces 8 units of happiness and 4 units of unhappiness: net happiness = 4 units Act A is morally better than Act B. 15 + The best choice of Utilitarianism is the promotion of the interests of the greater (or greatest) number. + The utilitarian does not consider the nature of the acts or the motive, but just the utility or happiness in sum. + Example: the case of Down’s syndrome. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=NeaDwFx8fgs 16 V)The measurement of utility: a)Intensity: quality of pleasure, e. g. winning a basketball match vs ice-cream b)Duration: the time lasted c)Fruitfulness: Not only the immediate pleasure, but also long-term result, like friendship, d)Likelihood: the closeness of happening of the consequence (utility). 17 VI)The proof of Principle of Greatest Utility or Happiness â€Å" The only proof capable of being given that an object is visible, is that people actually see it. The only proof that a sound is audible, is that people hear it†¦In like manner, I apprehend, the sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable, is that people do actually desire it. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill) 18 + David Hume’s Is/ Ought distinction – ‘Is’ does not imply ‘Ought’: – e. g. we have parents ? we should obey to parents. VII) Mill’s the Harm Principle: â€Å"That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant . . . Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign. † (On Liberty, J. S. Mill) 19 + The harm principle above promotes freedom, which is as the means to happiness. + The ultimate or intrinsic Good: pleasure or happiness + Instrumental good is the good which promotes the intrinsic good: education, freedom 20 VIII) Assessing Utilitarianism 1) Utilitarian conception of impartiality – The utility or interest of the party involved is to be counted equally. (NO privileged class under Utilitarianism) 2) The promotion of animal welfare and animal right as the happiness of the animal is counted as well. (Peter Singer) 21 3) The Utility-oriented approach: A) Act-Utilitarianism: The consequence of this particular act is considered. In this case, killing the innocent may be justified for the sake of greater utility. The problem of right and justice. B) Rule-Utilitarianism: The consequence of the act is performed as a general practice (rule). 22 4) Conflict of pleasures Intellectual pleasure vs physical pleasure (satisfaction of hunger) How should we act/ choose? Life is not worth living when it is without utility or pleasure? 23 + Discussion: Is Utilitarianism a good way to guide our actions or choices, according to the common sense of morality and moral practices? 24.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Accountability in Public Administration

Accountability in Public Administration Introduction Public accountability is one of the noble concepts immensely supported by scholars in the discipline of public administration. In the political discourses coupled with policy documents, the term finds an imperative usage since it portrays an image of trustworthiness and transparency (Forrer, et al., 2010).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Accountability in Public Administration specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These two aspects are crucial since citizens who are also the clients of a state become satisfied that a system of administration is able to meet their anticipations in the public sector without exposing their resources to risks of fraud. In this extent, accountability emerges as one of the key values in the public administration. The aim of this study is to discuss the issues involved in making public organizations accountable. A consideration is also given to discuss the people whom public offici als are accountable to, and the most effective means of ensuring a balance between the demands for accountability and the need to have high-performing organizations. Issues involved in making Public Organizations Accountable Accountability involves making organizations transparent and responsible in their dealing in the effort to enhance their trustworthiness. For them to realize the goal, they need to address a number of issues concerning accountability. One of such issues is the development of the capacity to deal with emerging matters that may impede their efforts to attain their dream of being accountable. For instance, the advent of globalization presents many challenges to corporations and institutions of public administration seeking that to be accountable in many nations. Kearns (2003) supports the argument by further adding, â€Å"Globalization plays the role of shaping the current trends in the global economic markets and the increasing interactions among nations and peop le from different parts of the world† (p.76). Emergence of new interactions driven by the dawn of globalization introduces challenges to institutions of public administration in that they handle emerging new roles and expand their functionality sphere. The more expansive an institution or any system requiring checks is, the harder it becomes to handle all the individual facets of an organization, which may provide loopholes for acts of fraud. Emerging new issues such as those prompted by globalization also present challenges to accountability efforts of an organization due to â€Å"the need to understand the dynamics of global value chains, creating trade facilitation structures, developing partnerships, and the establishment of value chains and networks† (Kearns, 2003, p.81).Advertising Looking for report on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Existence of such new challenges means th at public administration officials have to constantly change their tactics for enhancing accountability since traditional approaches or styles for public administration cease to be effective in handling all the contemporary situations that may prove to be a challenge to the efforts of becoming accountable. From the above discussion, it is essential that an organization that seeks to be accountable in a globalized market to consider looking for new approaches of enhancing transparency as opposed to the traditional approaches for enhancing intelligibility in the public administration. In fact, this factor is yet another crucial issue involved in making public organizations accountable. The history of public administration reveals that the main approach for enhancing accountability is through exercising of control and close monitoring of persons who are mandated to execute certain affairs that are of public interest. This task entails â€Å"bureaucratic discretion through compliance w ith some tightly drawn rules and regulations† (Forrer et al, 2010, p.477). Alteration of such an approach is critical in the modern world that is driven by hefty interactions so that, rather than using a direct-control paradigm, an organization has to consider implementation of strategies for enhancing accountability. The strategy must be driven by the concerns of delegations as a methodology for breaking down the bureaucratic approaches to public accountability. The relevance of this issue for an organization that wants to be accountable rests on the platform that, although delegation is an effective way for enhancing accountability, it has its limitations. A challenge facing an organization that is determined to be accountable is the establishing of balance and determination of the extents and permissible thresholds of accountability in the organization. Thirdly, an organization needs to deal proactively with the issue of balancing levels of accountability anticipated from v arious stakeholders. In support of this argument, Forrer et al. (2010) reckon, â€Å"public managers report not only to a multitude of elected officials, but also to a plethora of interest groups, clientele, media, and other actors† (p.478). This argument means that public administrators serve many conflicting interests of different stakeholders, both formal and informal, through the deployment of appropriate mechanisms for enhancing accountability.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Accountability in Public Administration specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The balancing mechanism that an organization that seeks to become accountable must deploy includes hierarchical accountability, public accountability, while not negating deploying of mechanisms for enhancing accountability to impersonal standards. Organizations that embrace the relevance of accountability as a way of development of trust among various stakehol ders must appreciate that one of the important issues they must put into perspective is that they must conform precisely to a myriad of legitimized but also competing anticipations for accountability. To whom are Public Officials Accountable? Public officials have to be accountable to various people. Essentially, accountability is a â€Å"means through, which public agencies and their workers answer to the citizens directly and indirectly for the use of their power, authority, and resources† (Kearns, 2003, p.9). From this definition, it is paramount to note that, in the first degree, public officials are accountable to the citizens who are also served by other persons and interest groups to whom public officials must also be accountable. Such other persons include city councils, administrators such as presidents, states’ legislatures, media, and professional associations among others. With the rise of and advocating for governance approaches that portray the exercise o f democracy as the chief mechanism of ensuring equal presentations of all citizens’ concerns and interests in the tools of administration, concerns have been alarming on the mechanisms that can ensure that governments are held accountable effectively. Consequently, with regard to Kearns (2003), internal means of enhancing accountability including â€Å"official rules, codes of conduct, administrative hierarchy, performance evaluation, organizational culture, and professional ethics† (p.65) have dominated the discussions of public accountability. Some of these mechanisms of enhancing accountability have been pinned in the constitutions of many democratic nations. All systems of power comprise executives, judicial, and legislative divisions of government. These divisions have the responsibility to keep public administrators on the check to limit their discretion to ensure they are achieving their noble mandates placed on them by citizens.Advertising Looking for report on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, in the US the progressive era marked the establishments of â€Å"independent government regulatory agencies, public commissions, and corporation to oversee government bodies through the executive branch† (Forrer et al., 2010, p.478). From the context of the roles of congress, public officials have a duty to ensure that they meet the requirements placed on them in terms of meeting the demands for accountability as stipulated by organizations for agency oversight and committees for budget appropriations among others. Since citizens cannot directly regulate the operations of public officials, such organs exercise control and monitoring of the activities of public officials on behalf of the citizens to ensure that they are accountable to any repercussions of the policies formulated and implemented by the public officials. Public officials are accountable to legislatures. Legislatures have roles to play to investigate the operations of various public officials and de mand to provisions of information on certain aspects that they may believe have comprised the national ethics and codes of practice in public offices including accountability. Organizations such as GAO can also be employed by legislatures and congress to scrutinize public agency programs. Consequently, public officials must be accountable to them. Since the goal of accountability is to ensure transparency to all interest groups and stakeholders in the operations of public administrators as argued before, public officials are also accountable to media, professional communities, and client groups. Client groups are interested in the implications of public policies. Such groups have specific anticipated outcomes from public officials. Should the public officials fail to meet these anticipations effectively, or do things at exorbitant and inflated costs, the officials have to be held accountable for the failure or embezzlements of funds. Conclusion: Balancing the Demands for Accountabil ity and the Need to have High-performing Organizations Accountability implies that public officials have to evaluate every policy or decision they take to ensure that it does not expose the interest of various stakeholders and interest groups at risk upon its implementation. This argument means that decisions and policies that have high potentials of yielding optimal results but possessing high-risk vulnerabilities may not be implemented. Measuring performance from the paradigm of the magnitude of returns, for instance, in terms of social benefit, failure to implement projects having high risks of failure but having high levels of returns means that the performance of a public institution is impaired. Public officials must balance demand for accountability and the need to have high-performing organizations. For instance, considering the experience of hurricane Katrina, it is arguable that the government ought to have invested heftily on strategies and equipments for dealing with aft ermaths and or for detection of both the likelihoods and the magnitudes of natural catastrophes in the bid to enhance effective disaster awareness through its established institutions for disaster management. Such a measure would make disaster management institutions highly performing if the investments turn out commensurate to the anticipated levels of response to human and logistical challenges posed by hurricane Katrina. However, in the effort to ensure that such organizations become highly performing, the question that emerges is whether indeed public officials charged with running such institutions would be willing to venture into risky decisions that would compromise their levels of accountability in the public domain. Koliba, Zia, and Mills (2011) support this line of thought by noting that it is important to develop both theoretical and empirical constructs â€Å"to identify and assess how and whether failures of accountability lead to failures in performance† (p.210) . Directly congruent with this proposal, it is of paramount importance that public officials be made to account for success rather than just failures. Such a strategy can help to balance demands for accountability and the need for high performing organizations. Obtaining a balance between accountability and the need for high-performing organizations is a challenge that public officials need to proactively address especially bearing in mind that the citizens whom they owe the ultimate responsibility while making their decisions do not directly elect them. Consequently, public officials may consider complying with political accountability roles since, according to Bovens (1998), â€Å"public officials are not rigidly constrained in their performance by narrow legal or procedural settings† (p.31). This case means that the capacity to form and operate public institutions driven by the motive for high performance may be compromised by the need to meet programmed guidelines issued by the appointing authority in hierarchical systems of administration. This argument is more imperative upon considering Bovens’ (1998) assertion that political accountability â€Å"tends to use outcomes as the main parameter for evaluation of performance rather than compliance with administrative rules and procedures† (p.31). As a repercussion, it is probable that public officials may fail to balance accountability with the need to create highly performing public institutions due to the need to satisfy the anticipations of the elected authority as opposed to direct anticipations of the electorate. Although in democratic and corruption-free nations, the elected persons may present the interest of the electorate. Hence, the anticipations of the elected and the appointing authority from the public officials have to measure up to the anticipation of the electorate. In the corruption-prone nations, the electorate interests are not presented by the elected persons. If publi c administrators appointed by the corrupt-elected persons have to be politically accountable, it means that a balance between accountability and the need to put in place a highly performing organization cannot be established. Reference List Bovens, M. (1998). The Quest for Responsibility: Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organizations. Public Administration, 77(3), 455-474. Forrer, J., Kee, J., Newcomer, K., Boyer, E. (2010). Public- Private Partnerships and the public accountability question. Public administration review, 1(1), 475- 484. Kearns, P. (2003). Accountability in a Seamless Economy, in G. Peters and J. Pierre (eds.), Handbook of Public Administration. London: Sage Publications. Koliba, C., Zia, A., Mills, R. (2011). Accountability in governance networks: an assessment of public, private and nonprofit emergency management practices following hurricane Katrina. Public Administration Review, 1(1), 210-20.